NESG - North East Sessional GPs

A Professional Group for Sessional GPs

NESG is a non-profit support group for GPs who work either as locums or in an employed capacity (retainers, returnees, salaried, assistant) as well as academics, public health doctors, medical managers, and portfolio GPs working in other clinical specialties.

NESG supports its members by improving access to information on education and appraisal, reducing isolation and promoting peer support via social events, quarterly members meetings and facilitating the creation of self-directed learning groups. Members receive email notifications for a wide range of professional opportunities and vacancies.

NESG is run by an elected committee – the executive. The executive committee officers are working sessional GPs who give their time to running the group as volunteers (unpaid, except for the Chair who may receive an annual honorarium of up to £1000). The current committee members contacts are found on the contacts page.

The group is funded from membership fees (currently £26 per year).

The group has a constitution (see bottom of page).

NESG hasn't got the full North East coverage at present, however it is work in progress. Please could you kindly take this into consideration when applying for NESG membership.

Membership Breakdown

LocumRetainerSalariedOut Of HoursPrincipalAcademicTeachingGP RegistrarOtherTotal

North East Sessional GP work - welcome video

NHS GP Health Service

This confidential service is accessed by self referral only. Please see attached leaflet for details on the service

click here to go to NHS GP Health Service

NHS GP Health Service Leaflet

Monthly Webinars

NESG runs regular educational events for members

Details of each meeting are emailed out to members in advance and are also available on our educational events page.

We aim to provide speakers on a range of topics including annual Child Safeguarding, Adult Safeguarding and CPR/Anaphylaxis training.

Members meetings are usually held yearly as part of the meeting programme and are an informal opportunity to share experiences and tap into the wider knowledge of the group.

NESG Constitution

The Group constitution was originally developed in 2009 and recently been reviewed by the executive following which there was consultation with the membership and an online vote in October 2014. Over 90% of those who voted supported the new constitution.

NESG executive committee terms of reference

This document describes the way in which the NESG executive works.

Testimonials from members of our group

"regarding the support you have offered [..] you have championed and - I strongly believe - raised the status of sessional GPs who are in vulnerable position in the “professional pecking order”. [...] knowing that NESG is there to “be part of” is a huge source of support and professional life would be much harder without it. I am not a “risk” candidate but think it would be easy to be one given the potential isolation and the potential for exploitation by practices"

“NELG as it was then enabled me to return to work, and I was particularly helped by the sense of a collegiate group, both virtual with online resources and real at meetings”

“I have been slightly apprehensive about this next step in my career (mainly around appraisal/revalidation, possible derogatory views from GP colleagues/partners, and invoicing practices) but reassured that there are many other sessional GP's out there and there is educational support through the sessional GP group.”

“There were times in the past that, if it weren’t for the NESG, I wouldn’t have heard about any local educational events. [..]Back then, when I really wasn’t part of any one team, and was working in different practices all the time I feel I would have felt too isolated and unsupported to have been able to do that work were it not for the NESG and also the County Durham and Darlington Sessional GP Support Group. Knowing that I had access to education and to share problems, if necessary, with other GPs who were also working as locums allowed me to work as a locum during those years.[..] For me, it was just knowing that support and education were there for me, that allowed me to work as a locum. Even now, it’s still great to know the NESG is there in case I need/ want to return to locum work one day.”

"We finally move to a permanant home in Northumberland […] The transition has taken almost 2 years and I have not worked for about 18 months. Nesg has been pivotal in keeping me engaged in continued learning during this time when I have spent much of the time driving up and down the country looking after 2 homes sick relatives and dealing with personal challenges. Without nesg I think there would have been a risk I would have completely fallen by the wayside."

I have recently resigned from partnership [..] Leaving felt like a failure but joining NESG helped me to realise that there are lots of people out there in the same position. The website has been really useful and gave me some good pointers towards getting organised to begin life as a locum!

I signed up as a partner to NESG because I had been a partner for 12 years and your site was basically the only way to get information about jobs as all practices seem to advertise through you. By paying the subscription I then got job notifications on my phone which is really brilliant. Partnerships are going through serious stresses at the moment. Your group offers support and advice which does not seem to be available anywhere else. Many thanks for allowing 'out going' partners to join."


NESG is committed to respecting privacy.

Please review this document for information for NESG members on Privacy.

Please ensure that you update your member profile and communication preferences regularly and revisit this site periodically to review this policy.



The group does not provide employment advice to members (this is done by the BMA for BMA members)
The group does not set or promote the agreement of group locum rates of pay (this is against competition laws)
The group does not negotiate rates of pay for salaried doctors (this is done by the BMA)
The group does not accept any responsibility for the professional standards of its members, it is the responsibility of practices to carry out employment checks on potential employees
The group does not accept any responsibility for the quality or quantity of locum or job vacancies posted on the website: these are posted by external agencies and vetting by the group is purely aimed at ensuring the material posted is not of an offensive nature
the group does not accept responsibility for any lack of work opportunities arising lack of advertising from practices, or technical failures in the website.
The group does not accept any responsibility for the quality or quantity of educational events posted on the website: these are posted by external parties and vetting by the group is purely aimed at ensuring the material posted is not of an offensive nature
The group cannot be held responsible for the temporary loss of function of this website.
The group makes all efforts to ensure that all information posted is up to date and accurate but does not accept liability for any inaccuracies contained on the website pages or for documents written by third parties.
The group cannot guarantee the functioning of its mentoring scheme at all times.

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