Appraisal / Revalidation
Appraisal in the north east: how it works
In the North East, appraisals are booked through a website (link given below). New guidance has been given (jan 2016) that in line with NHS England policies appraisers will be allocated to apraisees rather than selected. Any conflict of interest must be declared to the appraisal team. All appraisers and appraisees will be linked via the Revalidation Management System (RMS) and all appraisees will be informed of their individual allocation via an automatically generated email
All GPs are issued with a password and username by the area team. Appraisals are usually scheduled in your birthday month. If you want to be appraised outside of your birthday month you have to apply formally via the website deferment form. You are encouraged to use the MAG form as the main vehicle for your appraisal though some appraisers will be familiar with other systems (e.g. clarity). All guidance documents are available on either the NEPCSA booking site (see link below) or the HENE (Health Education North East GP appraisal page). You can obtain advice about appraisal from GP tutors (HENE) see the newsletters and contacts for appraisees below.Contacts for the area team are :
Administration Assistants, Wendy and Bethany
0113 824 7242
Programme Manager, Rachel Turnbull
0113 824 7248
There is currently no funding for appraisal for locum GPs.
Salaried GPs should be offered protected time for appraisal. For more information see the BMA's Salaried GP handbook and GP locum handbook.
HEE with links to RMS system for appraisal and contacts
Appraisal Allocation Newsletter - January 2016
NHS England Cumbria and North East Appraisal and Revalidation website
Attached is a PDF guide to the new (Jan 2017) Cumbria and North East Appraisal and Revalidation website
Appraisal Guidance May 2016 - comprehensive guidance.
The current and updated guidance for appraisal as of May 2016 is attached in a Zip file. Please note that there is a new MAG form included in this file.
There is some very useful guidance on supporting information including how to log CPD credits (remember that you can no longer claim impact points). Also a clear summary of what supporting evidence is required and some links to how to access mandatory training.
Included in the documents are-
MAG form
Update on the new MAG form
MAG form user guide
Appraisal contacts in the North East
Appraisal documentation and templates
Correct as of September 2016.
Due to the current inavailability of the NHS appraisal website and deanery website Dr Paula Wright has kindly pulled together all the important templates and documents you will need for your appraisal-
Zip File includes
MAG form
Case review document
Quality improvement activity document
Complaint report document
Patient and Colleague feedback document
Learning log template
Scope of practice document
SEA review document
Audit Template
MAG form updated May 2016
THis interactive PDF form replaces the old appraisal forms 1-3 and form4/pdp.
It is recommended by the Northeast Appraisal Lead Di Jelley that you use this to submit your appraisal documents rather than uploading documents to website/online toolkits.
You can access the latest (April 2016) MAG form from the link below
Appealing against appraiser allocation guidelines from NHS England
NHS Englands guidance for when and how you can appeal against your appraiser allocation.
NHS England Medical Appraisal Policy Annex B: Appealing against appraiser allocation
Appraisal Tips for the Busy GP by Dr Paula Wright
A useful 10 minute summary of how to approach the appraisal process. Tips including areas on time management, key documents, how to keep your CPD log among others.
Example CPD log kindly provided by Dr Paula Wright
This document gives a realistic example of how you can log your CPD in a simple and effective format.
guidance for non standard GP updated March 2016
Quality Improvement Activity Portfolio
An excellent summary of examples of Quality Improvement Activity that have been submitted for appraisal. Collated by Dr Paula Wright.
GMC case study on NELG/NESG
The GMC has recognised our group as an important example of "good practice" as far as supporting doctors through revalidation. Follow the link below to read more about this.
Please click on the words below in red for links to useful information.
GMC guidance on supporting information for appraisal and revalidation
Good medical practice framework for Appraisal- GMC
Health Education North East
Appraisal page- contains lots of guidance
RCGP revalidation guide and toolkits
SCottish RCGP Revalidation Toolkit
Letter to practices asking them to support locums in collecting evidence for revalidation.
A letter has been sent by the North of tyne appraisal lead to all North of tyne practices on this matter. It can be downloaded below.
letter to practice about locum evidence
ROAN Information Sheets
Responsible Officer and Appraisal Network (ROAN) information sheets are written on an ad-hoc basis on issues of relevance to responsible officers and their teams, medical appraisers and doctors. On approval by NHS England’s Professional Standards Delivery Group (PSDG), each new sheet is added and then cascaded by the regional revalidation leads to local responsible officers. Local responsible officers are asked to share the new index sheet with their team and their appraisers as appropriate. Appraisers may then signpost their doctors to the content of relevant sheets according to each doctor’s circumstances.